flcHugeInt Namespace
Represents namespace flcHugeInt
Name | Description | |
TPrimality | Represents type |
Name | Description | |
THugeWordCallbackProc | Represents type |
Name | Description | |
HugeWordElement | Represents an alias of the Word32 type. | |
PHugeInt | Represents a pointer type to HugeInt. | |
PHugeWord | Represents a pointer type to HugeWord. | |
PHugeWordElement | Represents a pointer type to HugeWordElement. |
Name | Description | |
HugeWordElementBits | Represents constant | |
HugeWordElementSize | Represents constant |
Name | Description | |
HexToHugeIntB(RawByteString,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HexToHugeWord(String,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HexToHugeWordB(RawByteString,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAbs(HugeInt,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAbsInPlace(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAddHugeInt(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAddInt32(HugeInt,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAddWord32(HugeInt,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssign(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssignDouble(HugeInt,Double) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssignHugeWord(HugeInt,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssignHugeWordNegated(HugeInt,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssignInt32(HugeInt,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssignInt64(HugeInt,Int64) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssignMinusOne(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssignOne(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssignWord32(HugeInt,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntAssignZero(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntCompareHugeInt(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntCompareHugeIntAbs(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntCompareInt32(HugeInt,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntCompareInt64(HugeInt,Int64) | Represents method | |
HugeIntCompareWord32(HugeInt,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntDec(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntDivideHugeInt(HugeInt,HugeInt,HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntDivideInt32(HugeInt,Int32,HugeInt,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntDivideWord32(HugeInt,Word32,HugeInt,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntEqualsHugeInt(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntEqualsInt32(HugeInt,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntEqualsInt64(HugeInt,Int64) | Represents method | |
HugeIntEqualsWord32(HugeInt,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntFinalise(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInc(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInit(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInitDouble(HugeInt,Double) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInitHugeInt(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInitHugeWord(HugeInt,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInitInt32(HugeInt,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInitInt64(HugeInt,Int64) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInitMinusOne(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInitOne(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInitWord32(HugeInt,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntInitZero(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsEven(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsInt128Range(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsInt256Range(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsInt32Range(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsInt64Range(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsMinusOne(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsNegative(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsNegativeOrZero(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsOdd(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsOne(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsPositive(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsPositiveOrZero(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntISqrt(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsWord128Range(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsWord256Range(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsWord32Range(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsWord64Range(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntIsZero(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMax(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMin(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMod(HugeInt,HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMultiplyHugeInt(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMultiplyHugeWord(HugeInt,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMultiplyInt16(HugeInt,SmallInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMultiplyInt32(HugeInt,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMultiplyInt8(HugeInt,ShortInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMultiplyWord16(HugeInt,Word) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMultiplyWord32(HugeInt,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntMultiplyWord8(HugeInt,Byte) | Represents method | |
HugeIntNegate(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntNormalise(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntPower(HugeInt,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntRandom(HugeInt,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeIntSign(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntSqr(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntSubtractHugeInt(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntSubtractInt32(HugeInt,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntSubtractWord32(HugeInt,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeIntSwap(HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntToDouble(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntToHexB(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntToInt32(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntToInt64(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntToStrB(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntToStrU(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeIntToWord32(HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAdd(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAddWord32(HugeWord,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAlloc(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAllocZero(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAndHugeWord(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssign(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssignBuf(HugeWord,Void,Integer,Boolean) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssignBufStrB(HugeWord,RawByteString,Boolean) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssignDouble(HugeWord,Double) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssignHugeIntAbs(HugeWord,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssignInt32(HugeWord,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssignInt64(HugeWord,Int64) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssignOne(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssignWord32(HugeWord,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordAssignZero(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordClearBit(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordClearBitScanForward(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordClearBitScanReverse(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordCompare(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordCompareInt32(HugeWord,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordCompareInt64(HugeWord,Int64) | Represents method | |
HugeWordCompareWord32(HugeWord,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordDec(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordDivide(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordDivideWord32(HugeWord,Word32,HugeWord,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordDivide_RR_Safe(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordDivide_RR_Unsafe(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordEquals(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordEqualsInt32(HugeWord,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordEqualsInt64(HugeWord,Int64) | Represents method | |
HugeWordEqualsWord32(HugeWord,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordExtendedEuclid(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeInt,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
HugeWordFinalise(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordFinaliseTo(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordFree(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordGCD(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordGetBitCount(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordGetElement(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordGetFirstElementPtr(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordGetLastElementPtr(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordGetSize(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordGetSizeInBits(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordInc(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordInit(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordInitDouble(HugeWord,Double) | Represents method | |
HugeWordInitHugeWord(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordInitInt32(HugeWord,Int32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordInitInt64(HugeWord,Int64) | Represents method | |
HugeWordInitOne(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordInitWord32(HugeWord,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordInitZero(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsBitSet(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsEven(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsInt128Range(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsInt256Range(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsInt32Range(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsInt64Range(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsOdd(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsOne(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsPrime(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsPrime_MillerRabin(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsPrime_QuickTrial(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordISqrt(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsTwo(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsWord128Range(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsWord256Range(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsWord32Range(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsWord64Range(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordIsZero(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMax(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMin(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMod(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordModInv(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMultiply(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMultiplyWord16(HugeWord,Word) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMultiplyWord32(HugeWord,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMultiplyWord8(HugeWord,Byte) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMultiply_Long(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMultiply_Long_NN(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMultiply_Long_NN_Safe(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMultiply_Long_NN_Unsafe(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordMultiply_ShiftAdd(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordNextPotentialPrime(HugeWord,THugeWordCallbackProc,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordNormalise(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordNot(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordOrHugeWord(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordPower(HugeWord,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordPowerAndMod(HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordRandom(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordRealloc(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSetBit(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSetBit0(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSetBitCount(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSetBitScanForward(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSetBitScanReverse(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSetElement(HugeWord,Integer,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSetSize(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSetSizeInBits(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordShl(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordShl1(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordShr(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordShr1(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSqr(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSubtract(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSubtractWord32(HugeWord,Word32) | Represents method | |
HugeWordSwap(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToDouble(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToggleBit(HugeWord,Integer) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToHex(HugeWord,Boolean) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToHexB(HugeWord,Boolean) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToInt32(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToInt64(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToStr(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToStrB(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToStrU(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordToWord32(HugeWord) | Represents method | |
HugeWordXorHugeWord(HugeWord,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
StrToHugeIntB(RawByteString,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
StrToHugeIntU(UnicodeString,HugeInt) | Represents method | |
StrToHugeWord(String,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
StrToHugeWordB(RawByteString,HugeWord) | Represents method | |
StrToHugeWordU(UnicodeString,HugeWord) | Represents method |