flcASN1 Namespace
Represents namespace flcASN1
Name | Description | |
TASN1ParseProc | Represents type |
Name | Description | |
TASN1ObjectIdentifier | Represents an array of the Integer type. |
Name | Description | |
ASN1_ID_APPLICATION | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_BIT_STRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_BMPSTRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_BOOLEAN | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_CHARACTERSTRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_CONSTRUCTED | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_CONSTR_APPLICATION | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_CONSTR_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_CONSTR_PRIVATE | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_EMBEDDED_PDV | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_END_OF_CONTENT | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_ENUMERATED | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_EXTERNAL | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_GENERALIZEDTIME | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_GENERALSTRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_GRAPHICSTRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_IA5STRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_INTEGER | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_NULL | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_NUMERICSTRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_OCTET_STRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_PRINTABLESTRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_PRIVATE | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_REAL | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_RELATIVE_OID | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_SEQUENCE | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_SET | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_T61STRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_UNIVERSALSTRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_UTCTIME | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_UTF8STRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_VIDEOTEXSTRING | Represents constant | |
ASN1_ID_VISIBLESTRING | Represents constant | |
OID_3DES_wrap | Represents constant | |
OID_DES_CBC | Represents constant | |
OID_DES_EDE3_CBC | Represents constant | |
OID_DHKeyAgreement | Represents constant | |
OID_DSA | Represents constant | |
OID_DSA_SHA1 | Represents constant | |
OID_HMAC_3DES_wrap | Represents constant | |
OID_HMAC_AES_wrap | Represents constant | |
OID_HMAC_SHA1 | Represents constant | |
OID_HMAC_SHA224 | Represents constant | |
OID_HMAC_SHA256 | Represents constant | |
OID_HMAC_SHA384 | Represents constant | |
OID_HMAC_SHA512 | Represents constant | |
OID_MD2 | Represents constant | |
OID_MD4 | Represents constant | |
OID_MD5 | Represents constant | |
OID_PKCS_1 | Represents constant | |
OID_PKCS_3 | Represents constant | |
OID_PKCS_9 | Represents constant | |
OID_RC2_CBC | Represents constant | |
OID_RC2_ECB | Represents constant | |
OID_RC2_wrap | Represents constant | |
OID_RC4 | Represents constant | |
OID_RC4_MAC | Represents constant | |
OID_RC5_CBC | Represents constant | |
OID_RC5_CBCPad | Represents constant | |
OID_RSA | Represents constant | |
OID_RSA_MGF1 | Represents constant | |
OID_RSA_OAEP | Represents constant | |
OID_RSA_PKCS1_MD2 | Represents constant | |
OID_RSA_PKCS1_MD5 | Represents constant | |
OID_RSA_PKCS1_SHA1 | Represents constant | |
OID_SHA1 | Represents constant |
Name | Description | |
ANS1EncodeEndOfContent | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeBitString(Byte,Void,Integer,RawByteString,Byte) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeBoolean(Byte,Void,Integer,Boolean) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataBitString(Void,Integer,RawByteString,Byte) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataBMPString(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataBoolean(Void,Integer,Boolean) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataGeneralizedTime(Void,Integer,TDateTime) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataIA5String(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataInteger32(Void,Integer,Int32) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataInteger64(Void,Integer,Int64) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataIntegerBuf(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataNumericString(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataOctetString(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataOID(Void,Integer,TASN1ObjectIdentifier) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataPrintableString(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataRawByteString(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataTeletexString(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataUniversalString(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataUTCTime(Void,Integer,TDateTime) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataUTF8String(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeDataVisibleString(Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeInteger32(Byte,Void,Integer,Int32) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeInteger64(Byte,Void,Integer,Int64) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeIntegerBuf(Byte,Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeLength(Void,Integer,Integer) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeObjHeader(Void,Integer,Byte,Integer,Pointer) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeOID(Byte,Void,Integer,TASN1ObjectIdentifier) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeString(Byte,Void,Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1DecodeTime(Byte,Void,Integer,TDateTime) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeBitString(RawByteString,Byte) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeBMPString(UnicodeString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeBoolean(Boolean) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeContextSpecific(Integer,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeDataInteger16(SmallInt) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeDataInteger24(Int32) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeDataInteger32(Int32) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeDataInteger64(Int64) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeDataInteger8(ShortInt) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeEnumerated(Int64) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeGeneralizedTime(TDateTime) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeIA5String(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeInt32AsOctetString(Int32) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeInteger16(SmallInt) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeInteger24(Int32) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeInteger32(Int32) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeInteger64(Int64) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeInteger8(ShortInt) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeIntegerBuf(Void,Integer) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeIntegerBufStr(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeLength(Integer) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeNull | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeNumericString(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeObj(Byte,RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeOctetString(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeOID(Integer[]) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodePrintableString(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeSequence(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeSet(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeTeletexString(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeUniversalString(UnicodeString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeUTCTime(TDateTime) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeUTF8String(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1EncodeVisibleString(RawByteString) | Represents method | |
ASN1OIDEqual(TASN1ObjectIdentifier,Integer[]) | Represents method | |
ASN1OIDInit(TASN1ObjectIdentifier,Integer[]) | Represents method | |
ASN1OIDToStr(TASN1ObjectIdentifier) | Represents method | |
ASN1OIDToStrB(TASN1ObjectIdentifier) | Represents method | |
ASN1Parse(Void,Integer,TASN1ParseProc,NativeInt) | Represents method | |
ASN1TypeIsConstructedType(Byte) | Represents method | |
ASN1TypeIsContextSpecific(Byte,Integer) | Represents method |